Friday, October 26, 2007

10/26/07 - by Sasha

Chris told me I need to post, but I'm not sure I can do it justice, as he does such a good job! Today was actually a pretty good day. We did end up going to school for a little over an hour. She got to see all her friends and participate in the class activities. It did her good to be back in the swing of things. It is so precious to see all her friends want to give her hugs and say hello. During "writing workshop" I noticed many of them must have been writing stories about her because they were all wanting to know how to spell her name. The whole class made cards for her while she was in the hospital. She enjoys looking through them - it will be a good source of encouragement to look back at all the cards and well wishes over the next many months.

Chris and I are just amazed at all the out pouring of friendship and love that so many of you have bestowed upon us. We will never be able to repay or thank you enough for all the gifts, prayers, food, cards, offers of help, etc. As Chris mentioned in his last post, there is a reason that God lead us to Kendallville and now I believe we know why. To think that just 3 years ago we were strangers to so many of you who have become our support that we have clinged to in the past week. So hard to believe that it has only been one week!

As a family we are slowly getting back to "normal" The kids are starting to fight - Mikayla is once again picking on Jacob and he is yelling back. Grace is back to her 7 year old self looking forward to going to birthday parties, dance and basketball. If you have ever called our house you know our answering machine says "We can't come to the phone because the kids are either eating, fighting or sleeping" the same holds true for now. If you call and we don't answer it still is probably one of those reasons (esp. Mikayla and the eating - although it might be Chris & I sleeping while the kids run wild)

The hardest part right now is adjusting to Mikayla's mood swings. I have told people she has 3 of them....high, low, and mean. When she is "high" it is a stitch. Chris and I just smiled and shook our heads today at lunch. She talks non-stop, eats non-stop, and can not stop moving. We tend to try and do her schoolwork during this time as she will want to do it all! When she is at a low point she just wants to sit, maybe watch tv, but for the most part just sit. The mean moods are the hardest and usually the ones that bring the tears out in me. I just have to keep telling myself it is the medicine and hopefully by the end of next week it will be through her system.

For those of you who ask what you can do to help us out, there are a few things. First and foremost pray for our family that God gives us the strength to handle what ever lies ahead for us. Pray that we can accept our new situation with a smiling face and and be open to the lessons and the reasons why this is happening to her. Second of all, I know in the future we will need lots of babysitters, lots of help running around gettting Grace to her activities, etc. I WILL call on you who have offered to help....maybe not now but perhaps months from now - I hope the offers still stand. :>) And third, save your pop tabs. The girls' school, Wayne Center, have started a pop tab drive. The pop tabs benefit the Ronald McDonald House @ Riley. We were fortunate enough to be able to sleep there and shower there one night during our stay this past week. It is a wonderful break where you can go to rest, eat, shower, do laundry, etc. It costs around $75 each night to run the house and rooms for parents of inpatients. All they ask is a $10 donation (if you have a sleeping room) if you can pay. They will not turn anyone away. Obviously they rely on donations to fund the rest. Saving pop tabs is soo easy. Each of the classrooms at Wayne Center now have a donation site where you can drop them off on behalf of Mikayla (and I'm sure many other kids who have been at Riley from there) If you don't live close to Kendallville, save them anyways and we will be glad to get them somehow! My aunt is even collecting them from CA. The girls got her started when we were out there this summer.

I have now rambled on enough. Here is to a restful weekend for us. Chris and I may actually get to sleep in our own bed this evening! Yea! Thank you again for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. - Sasha


Jean W. said...

Sasha and Chris,

I should introduce myself. I'm Jean Williams and I'm good friends with Elsie, Butch, and Lance. My husband and I have had our personal and business banking accounts with Nat City for more than 40 years; ever since it was Roanoke State Bank. Our business is in Roanoke, and I live nearby.

My husband Randy died in 2004 from glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most aggressive, malignant type of brain tumor. I did a great deal of research during the 5 1/2 years he fought the tumor.

Earlier I sent you links to a couple of very good brain tumor organizations. They both have sections devoted to pediatric issues. You can call these organizations for info and print the info from their websites. Their phone people are very nice and helpful. Randy and I went to some of their conferences. We got to meet, and ask questions of, some of the most knowledgeable brain tumor doctors in the country.

Would you please give Mikayla's current address for cards.

I'm glad to hear things are going well, and I hope they continue that way for a long, long time.

Best wishes,

Unknown said...

Sasha: This is Miss Vicki. Could I possibly come and see the girls this week? I had treats for them, but I didn't have them with me the last time they had lessons. I am leaving next Sat. to travel across the country with my sister as she is moving to Oregon. So if it is not convenient for me to come this week, it will have to be after Nov. 12. I am so enjoying your blog. It is conforting to know how all of you are doing and I will have your family lifted up in pray during church tomorrow. Blessings, Vicki

Keith & Dawn Miller said...

Sasha & Chris,

Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We know first hand what it feels like to have a child facing long term chemotherapy.

Our daughter, BreAnne, was diagnosed with ALL leukemia in August of 2005. She is now twenty years old and will complete her chemo on Dec. 19 after 2 1/2 years of treatment! Praise the Lord!

Our advice would be first of all; know that God is bigger than all of this! Secondly, rely on the help and prayers of all the friends and family that are rallying around you! Fall back on the reality that you have a full army of prayer warriors gathering and marching forward on your behalf! Accepting help from others was one of the tougher things for us, we were used to being the giver instead of the receiver. Don't rob others of the joy of helping your family, accept it, embrace it and know that there will come a day when God will let you "pay it forward" to someone else in need.

Also, don't dwell on the statistics, side effects, other words, don't spend too much time on the internet driving yourself crazy. Although it is important to be informed, it is also important to stay in the moment and trust God to work out the rest.

Finally, as odd as it sounds, you will find blessings in the midst of all of this. It is your job to seek them out and recognize them as blessings.

We would love to share our journey with you and help you in any way possible.

Contact us at

Take one day at a time, actually, one moment at a time and before you know you will be well on your way to Mikayla's recovery. Although the road ahead may be rocky, take comfort in the fact that God will provide you with the walking shoes you need to master the journey!

Keep Believing,
Keith & Dawn Miller

Keith & Dawn Miller said...
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