Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Just a quick note before I go to bed tonight. Today was actually a pretty good day. It is nice knowing an idea of a plan than the unknown. I felt so much better after I spoke with the oncologist. The type of chemo that would be given would be in such low doses that her side effects (losing her hair being the main one) will not be that bad. He said the chemo should really not affect her quality of life, she really wouldn't be that limited in the things that she could do. Except she would have to wear a mask if she were to go to a barn. Darn - as she is my only one who likes the animals and who I think I could convince to show pigs/cows in 4-H! :>)

For those of you who know Mikayla, you know how strong willed she is, how ornery she is, and how raising her so far as been a challenge many of days. But you also know how loving she is and how sweet and that she ALWAYS has a smile on her face. That is probably the biggest thing peope always say about her - she is always smiling! One of our friends commented that now we know why God gave her such a strong spirit and iron will - so that she will be able to get through this with a smile on her face!

Believe it or not, she has only cried once since Friday and that was the day before surgery when she was figuring out what was going on. She has gotten IV's, blood drawn, the IV's out, vomited, gone through 4 hour MRI's and has been such a trooper! Chris & I know that we would not have been able to do those MRI's without being sedated. Of course she got to listen to Hannah Montana during it too. Today she has been really tired and is still on some pain med's so she has been pretty quiet and uncomfortable.

There is some hope that we will be home by the end of the week, with returning for some outpatient appts next week to start the chemo process. We will just have to see....

Our prayers for Mikayla are being answered. We have so much to be thankful for in that the tumor is low grade (or so we are still hoping), she will be able to do chemo as an outpatient in FW, that there is a place like Riley in our state and most importantly that she is really not suffering. No child or parent should have to go through what some of these kids & parents are facing at Riley. As dark as my days have been lately, all I have to do is look one or two doors down and I know someone else is going through the same struggles or worse.

We have been so lifted up by all your emails, responses to this post, the mail that Mikayla has received, the prayers, the words of encouragement that you all have given us. How could we get through this without God's strength? Why this is happening doesn't make much sense at times, but we know that in God's time it will. I truely believe that. Until tomorrow....Sasha


Anita Hess said...

What an awesome God! He is leading the doctors, nurses, and staff. How great it is to receive a smile, especially from a child. Mikayla is a very special girl, a real treat to be around when I'm with your family. How uplifting it is to hear the news so far. I know it will not be without challenges, but God will help her thru and we will too!! Hugs to all of you and the costume is in the works. Love to all, Anita and family

Autumn Teeple said...

Dear Friends:
We believe that running into you this weekend was no accident -God planned it. We do know where you are right now and what you are feeling. Please know that we are praying for your family and want to support you in any way. Please call us any time! God gives special abilities to the children with cancer & Mikayla will endure just as Ethan has!
Gary, Autumn, Trevor & Ethan Teeple